Business No: 810954743RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS: The Survivors are often impoverished, struggling with illness, or living alone. This fund allows for ICEJ Canada to care for the remaining survivors who suffered horribly in living out their final years in comfort with dignity at the Haifa Home for Holocaust Survivors surrounded by love. As Survivors age we must embrace every opportunity to hear their voices, to hear their stories and document them.
According to The Times of Israel publication on April 27, 2022, the Social Equality Ministry statistics showed that there were 161,400 Holocaust Survivors living in Israel at that time. “The average age of Holocaust survivors is 85.5, with 31,500 over age 90 and more than 1,000 who have lived for over a century.” However most survivors are living below the poverty line witha government stipend of approximately 4000 shekels which is about $1400-1500 CAD a year! Little time remains for us to reach out and care for these last living witnesses.
In 2009, ICEJ began a partnership with a local charity to provide a home in Haifa, Israel for the Survivors. This unique joint project between Christians and Jews offers assisted-living facilities and a warm community of loving Israeli staff and ICEJ volunteers looking after their daily needs. The ‘Haifa Home for Holocaust Survivors’ is a community comprised of 3 main social and administrative buildings along with apartments in over 16 low rise buildings on 3 streets.
Your gift to the Haifa Home for Holocaust Survivors will meet their needs in the following ways:
- 24/7 quality care provided by professionally trained staff and medical nurses
- 3 nutritious meals a day
- Community and therapeutic activities
- Renovation and maintenance of the facility
- Providing electricity and water
- A warm and loving assisted living home
Read About a Precious Holocaust Survivor we Support in Haifa