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Christian Friends of Yad Vashem: TELLING THEIR STORIES - A Race Against Time!


Business No: 810954743RR0001

Christian Friends of Yad Vashem: TELLING THEIR STORIES - A Race Against Time!

Telling Their Stories: A Race Against Time 

During the Shoah, whole families, entire communities were shattered and dispersed. For over seventy years, Yad Vashem has striven to collect every testimony possible, to record for eternity the experiences of the six million Jewish men, women and children murdered and the millions more persecuted and victimized during the Holocaust.

By preserving each and every story, weaving their multiple threads together with the documentation and artifacts in their collection, Yad Vashem is able to recreate, patches of the rich and sprawling tapestry of prewar Jewish life, the devastation of the Holocaust and continuation of Jewish life in its aftermath. 

Yet as the generation of survivors continues to grow frailer and fewer, the collection of these stories becomes a matter of extraordinary urgency and importance. We mustn’t waste a single moment together with our loved ones, particularly our older relatives. As survivors age we must embrace every opportunity to hear their voices, to hear their stories and document them. "Telling Their Stories" is part of ICEJ Canada's HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS FUND. 

Recording a Survivor Testimony via Christian Friends of Yad Vashem costs approx. $1,800 CAD 
Would you and/or your family/group consider sponsoring a Holocaust Survivor Testimony that will be kept for eternity in Yad Vashem's Jerusalem archives?
If so, Yad Vashem would like to recognize your efforts in documenting a Survivor's Testimony with a special Memorial Pin and Certificate. 

About the Yad Vashem Memorial Pin...

Remembering the Past, Shaping the Future

Yad Vashem is the world's premier site for commemoration of the tragic events of the Shoah (Holocaust). Located on the Mount of Remembrance in Jerusalem, it is entrusted with preserving the memory of the Holocaust and passing on its legacy.

A unique emblem has been designed to symbolize Yad Vashem's message – Remembering the Past Shaping the Future.

The barbed wire stem recalls the pain and trauma of the Holocaust, while the leaves stemming from the wire symbolize the rebirth and hope that emerged in the wake of this unparalleled tragedy. Wearing this pin expresses your commitment to remembering the past in order to ensure a better future. 

Thank you for your prayerful consideration in supporting this special campaign project and also your ongoing support for the Christian Desk at Yad Vashem!

God bless you!