Business No: 119031870RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
We use Forum Theatre and interactive arts to educate, engage, and empower audiences in schools, communities and workplaces.

Our Mission
Mixed Company Theatre produces innovative, socially relevant drama as a tool for positive change. Founded as an artist-run collective in 1983, this nationally recognized not-for-profit today uses Forum Theatre and interactive arts to Educate, Engage and Empower audiences in schools, communities, and workplaces.
We are pioneers of Forum Theatre, a popular theatre style recognized by the UNESCO as a participatory tool that facilitates community dialogue, learning, and social change. We were designated as the very first Centre for Forum Theatre in Canada in 1991 and have reached over 1 million community members ever since through our powerful theatre-based advocacy work in Canada and abroad.
Our Vision
As the needs of marginalized communities across Canada shift, Mixed Company gives people the opportunity to engage in creative, and critical dialogue about how to effect tangible changes in the face of systemic injustices. Working in the educational, workplace, and community settings, Mixed Company Theatre helps people rehearse for real-life situations of oppression, thereby empowering communities to address these issues and make strides towards a better world for everyone.
National Recognition and Awards
Company awards and citations include the City of Toronto's Mayor's Community Safety Award, a Mayor's Award for the Arts, a Mayor's Commendation for Dedication to Social Justice, The Safe City Award, the Pauline Julienne Award, Dora Mavor Moore Award nominations and The Montreal Gazette's Best New Play Award.
Our professional affiliations include the Arts Education Network of Ontario, the Canadian Actors' Equity Association, the Playwrights' Guild of Canada, and the Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts.