Business No: 136479011RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Westminster Housing revitalizes neighborhoods by rehabilitating derelict houses into affordable quality, subsidized, safe homes in Winnipeg

Westminster Housing Society - Providing safe, quality homes to low-income individuals & families since 1993.
Westminster Housing Society (WHS) is a registered charity. Our mission is to develop and provide safe, quality housing to low income individuals and families.
Since 1993 Westminster Housing Society (WHS) has been re-building, rehabilitating, and renovating homes into quality affordable multi-unit housing in Winnipeg’s West Broadway & Spence neighborhoods'. Westminster Housing currently owns and operates 28 multi unit homes (103 units) of affordable & subsidized housing.
WHS provides housing to very low-income people, including newcomer families, single seniors, people with disabilities, single parents with multiple children, and many others. WHS stably houses over 170 individuals inclusively.
We work in partnership with local community organizations to support our tenants during challenging life circumstances, and continuously grow our level of support for individuals where, how and when they need them.
Our tenant’s success in maintaining stable housing is ultimately our success as a housing provider. Our commitment to our mandate has remained and will continue to be unwavering support for our tenants, and providing a safe, stable, quality affordable housing option.
Westminster Housing is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors, and all of our units property managed by Five Stones Property MGMT.