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Swim Drink Fish

Registered Name: Swim Drink Fish Canada

Business No: 862622750RR0001

Swim Drink Fish is a Canadian charity working for a swimmable, drinkable, fishable future through science, law, education, and storytelling.

Swim Drink Fish


Swim Drink Fish is a nonprofit organization working to connect people with water since 2001.

We use community science and communications technology to inspire people to know and safeguard their local waters.


  • Connect with water: four million people have used the Swim Drink Fish apps and services
  • Collect water health data: 3,082,464 water health data points have been collected
  • Share your data and photos: 2,247 citizen science sample results have been published in 2 the past 4 years
  • Restore the places you love: $1,7 billion have been spent on restoration in Swim Drink Fish communities.


Swim Drink Fish operates six initiatives:
  • Blue Flag: A certification program for environmentally-friendly beaches, boats, and marinas.
  • Community monitoring hubs: Community Scientists monitoring recreational water quality in their communities and sharing that information with everyone.
  • Great Lakes Restoration: A multi-year initiative to restore swimmable, drinkable, fishable waterfronts across the Great Lakes named Great Lakes Challenge. 
  • Swim Guide Affiliates Program: 100 organizations contributing data to Swim Guide. 
  • The Watermark Project: A collection of true stories about connections to the water bodies that are important to people.
  • Waterkeepers: grassroots efforts to protect local water bodies through three full-time programs.


600 Bay Street

Unit #303

Toronto, ON, M5G 1M6

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