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Support the Overall Ministry of ImpactHope


Business No: 137405619RR0001

Support the Overall Ministry of ImpactHope

The purpose of ImpactHope is to develop sustainable projects and initiatives, which change the lives of people so that we all may become what God has created us to be. Our goal is to identify, equip and empower national Christian leaders to become self-sustaining and communities to be impacted.

Our world is hurting and we are all called to be active participants for change. We want to be a voice for the poor, by developing and overseeing projects and programs that effectively serve the needs of the poor, marginalized and forgotten.

ImpactHope is a Christian interdenominational organization that works to bring the love and message of Christ to our world! It is an honour to serve alongside our project leaders to bring hope and change to a world in need.

Donations are appreciated and valued as you are supporting the overall ministry of ImpactHope's headoffice so we can continue to support and enable God's work being done in our project sites worldwide!