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Shelter of Hope Academy


Business No: 137405619RR0001

Shelter of Hope Academy

Education is essential to breaking the cycle of poverty in the lives of children. When you give to Shelter of Hope Academy, you provide relief on the administration to do what their main objective is: bring hope and transform lives of the most vulnerable.

Your general donation will be used to provide for students who struggle to afford their tuition and medical care. You can choose to donate through this campaign or sponsor a student directly through our online platform (CLICK HERE)!

By sponsoring a student at Shelter of Hope Academy, you transform the child’s life by providing an academic scholarship, daily lunches, healthcare from an on-site clinic, spiritual nurture, and HOPE. 

We currently have 60 students in the sponsorship program, and you can sponsor a child at just 38$/month. This will provide for their tuition, lunches and medical care!

As a sponsor, YOU will be stepping into a life-changing connection, with the opportunity to develop a relationship with your chosen child.

This one-to-one connection is a powerful way to bring hope to your child as you write them letters and emails, and send photos to encourage them.

Over time, you will see the impact of your donation on your child, their family, and their entire community. You will get to celebrate milestones with them, and you will ultimately change the course of their lives!