Inclusive Employment
Registered Name: Inclusion Canada
Business No: 106842545RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
There are approximately 500,000 working age individuals with an intellectual disability in Canada – but only one in four, or 25%, people with an intellectual disability are employed. Currently in Canada the most common response to the employment needs of people with an intellectual disability is placement in a ‘sheltered workshop’ or day program, where people are typically paid only a small weekly stipend of about $5-$10, if anything at all. This results in exclusion from meaningful paid employment in the community, leaving most Canadians with an intellectual disability unemployed or significantly under-employed.
Our Vision
Working-age adults with an intellectual disability are employed at the same rate as the general population.
Our Work
Ready, Willing & Able is a national initiative of Inclusion Canada, Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance (CASDA), and our member organizations committed to helping Canadian employers find ideal candidates who are readily equipped to enter the workplace. Since 2014, Ready, Willing & Able has been working to increase the employment rate of individuals with an intellectual disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder by engaging employers and raising awareness about the value of hiring people with an intellectual disability.
Ready, Willing & Able is connecting qualified candidates to progressive employers who have vacancies to fill, supporting employers through the hiring process and beyond to ensure the best fit for both the company and the candidate. Through the initiative, job seekers find jobs that align with their strengths, and employers gain talented and productive employees who enhance their bottom line.
Please support this campaign to enable more men and women with intellectual disabilities to gain meaningful employment that allows them to contribute to their local community.
Learn more at the Ready, Willing & Able website: