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Care Packages for Inner City Families


Business No: 132799495RR0001

Care Packages for Inner City Families

ICYA connects with hundreds of kids and families living in Winnipeg's North End community. Our staff are connecting virtually with at-risk and vulnerable kids living in tough home situations. Many of these homes do not have adequate supplies for all family members. In normal circumstances, the kids have meals supplied through school or before/after programs. As all of our regular programs are closed, our staff are now working hard to safely and carefully serve our community. On a daily basis hampers are being delivered to homes in need. These hampers include: prepared meals, canned foods, crafting supplies, toiletries, and accurate information regarding the COVID-19 crisis and assistance options available to households.

ICYA only receives 1% of its revenue from the government. Programs are only able to run thanks to individual and business donors partnering with us. We're in need of this support to purchase supplies and carry out our new virtual connections and care for kids at home.

Our staff are also working hard to educate our community on the importance of social distancing and self isolation. In normal circumstances ICYA is encouraging kids to get outside, however now staff are connecting virtually and encouraging kids and youth to self-isolate and remain in their homes. Our goal is to explain to them how they can all help stop the spread of COVID-19 while still making community connections.