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INSPIRE!africa Foundation

Registered Name: INSPIRE!africa FOUNDATION

Business No: 838931764RR0001

INSPIRE!africa Foundation


Our Mission

INSPIRE!africa Foundation Goals are:

To raise funds in support of community-based initiatives in Africa that will advance education, promote gender equality and assist communities to become self sufficient.

•To create awareness in Canada of the issues of poverty in Africa.

•To offer the opportunity for Canadians to make a difference in Africa through donations of time, skills and money.

Currently our projects focus on improving conditions in Rwanda. This green and mountainous east African country has endured a turbulent past.

About INSPIRE!africa Foundation

INSPIRE!africa is providing an opportunity for Canadians to make a profound difference in the lives of others by giving some of what we have, whether it is our time, money or skills.

Our focus is on supporting community-based initiatives in areas where help is most needed and where it will make the most difference in moving communities out of poverty and into self-sufficiency. Education is an underlying theme as education is a powerful tool for creating a world where anything is possible.

Current Projects Include:

Rwanda Multi Learning Centre - Providing, English skills, computer training and employment readiness skills for Rwanda youth

Livestock and Housing for widows

Helpline Counselling

Land Reclamation Legal Support

Business training and micro financing for young entrepreneurs

Vocational Training 

Days for Girls


2330 3RD AVE. NW


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