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Emergency Appeal: Coronavirus Response


Business No: 867370645RR0001

Emergency Appeal: Coronavirus Response

The most serious health hazard to hit China in decades is sweeping through the country, and ICC is asking for your help to keep the most vulnerable children in China safe and protected.

In Hunan province, we provide direct care for more than 200 children in our care centres, and contribute crucial support to hundreds of impoverished families caring for children with disabilities at home. While more than 900 cases of the novel coronavirus have been reported in Hunan, we have been able to keep these young people safe.

This effort is costly, time-consuming and demanding. We have staff who have volunteered to stay and live with the children, not returning to their own homes, in order to ensure their safety and protection. Our need for protective equipment, food and supplies continues to soar.

Because most of the children we care for are in fragile health, exposure to the coronavirus is extremely life-threatening.

You can ensure that hundreds of the most vulnerable children in China remain safe and protected.

Your gift will provide equipment such as masks, gloves, disinfectant and health monitors, as well as covering the increased overtime costs incurred as our courageous staff ensure that the children in our centres are healthy and safe.

We are also providing support to families who have nowhere else to turn, helping with basic necessities and making sure that they have masks and disinfectant, too. Often these are single-income families, and now the one breadwinner is unable to earn income as businesses shut in their cities.

Please consider making a donation of any amount right now.

The children need your help.