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Food Relief for Vulnerable Families in Isolation


Business No: 129943072RR0001

Food Relief for Vulnerable Families in Isolation

Across the world, our partners are responding to COVID-19 by providing food parcels to the children and families in their programs.

We could not do this without your support. We ask you to please give generously as we work to fulfill our mission to transform lives and change communities.

Program highlights include:

  • Kenya: Riots and chaos breaks out in Kibera, Nairobi’s largest slum,as people fear dying of hunger more than the Coronavirus. Hundreds of thousands living in the cramped informal settlement are especially vulnerable. The need for food and clean water has never been more urgent.
  • Bangladesh: A Food Relief Campaign in Naogoan is bringing hope and encouragement to hundreds of vulnerable families in lockdown.
  • Zambia: ZACTS School for Orphans and Vulnerable Children sends food baskets to their vulnerable students. The families are very grateful to receive this support.