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75th Anniversary of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights


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75th Anniversary of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights

2023 marks an important year for us at the John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights, as well as for all humankind. Seventy five years ago, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights came into force as an international framework for human rights at the United Nations’ following the atrocities of the second world war. Our namesake, John Peters Humphrey, worked with representatives from around the world to draft and bring forward this important document and work to enshrine human rights into international law.

Coming into the 75th Anniversary, we see there are many struggles that continue to confront our local and global communities. While we have international human rights laws and foundations to guide us, we have a long way to go to actualize these rights and bring peace to our communities and world.  The rates of hate and intolerance are growing, poverty is deepening, and Canadians are only now beginning to reckon with our deep history of genocide.

In Building Momentum towards the 75th Anniversary, JHC is collaborating with Canadians for a Civil Society, along with other partners, to plan the Ignite Change Global Convention to commemorate and reflect on the 75th Anniversary. From December 1-10, 2023, partners will host a series of online and in person events to bring together civil society, academics and decision makers in dialogue, learning and action on human rights. This ten-day campaign will profile and facilitate public discourse on the principles and values instilled within the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Our hope is that we will walk away with a strengthened commitment, confidence and capacity for a movement of action towards the advancement of dignity, justice, peace, and freedom. 

Purpose of the Ignite Change Global Convention:

  • To bring profile to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on its 75th anniversary 
  • Strengthen collective action and commitment to advance human rights

Objectives with Convention:

  • Create space for sharing work among human rights advocates and defenders 
  • Strengthen connection, collaboration and action among human rights advocates and defenders
  • Strengthen skills in taking action on human rights
  • Create learning opportunities on how to actualize and advance human rights