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Stride Advocacy


Business No: 868703679RR0001

Stride Advocacy

Stride Advocacy began in 2017 as a partnership effort to embed and strengthen volunteer community based advocacy in amiskwacîwâskahikan, aka Edmonton in Treaty 6 Territory. After a year of effort, Stride expanded its network across the province of Alberta and continues to grow today serving community members who are seeking remedy to human rights violations.

Today, Stride Advocacy focuses on supporting those who feel voiceless in the community. Many people reach out to us with wide ranging issues and volunteer advocates provide them with support and/or connect them to the proper resources. Our goal as advocates is to document discrimination as protected under human rights legislation and ensure that community members have a space where they feel heard, are believed and are not alone. We work to listen and document concerns, help draft and file complaints with the appropriate mechanisms, as well as provide support and witness in conciliation processes. We do not provide legal advice or representation. We seek to fill the gap in community being able to access justice.

Stride continues to experience growth as we receive calls from other provinces and territories looking for assistance. We aim to interconnect people and resources throughout Alberta and Canada-wide through our network of advocates and organizations that provide support to anyone in need. 

Contributions to Stride will support ongoing training for volunteer advocates, support emergency costs for community members, volunteer appreciation, and transportation.

For more information about Stride Advocacy, becoming a volunteer, and our partners, visit: Stride Advocacy — John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights (