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Kids Now - $50 to help youth build their self-esteem


Business No: 868168113RR0001

Kids Now - $50 to help youth build their self-esteem

Help a young teen build their self-esteem and confidence and you'll help them to steer away negative influences and towards making positive choices. Your support will help a teen attend two of our twelve Kids Now weekly sessions dedicated to building self-esteem and confidence.

Research has shown that high self-esteem is associated with high academic achievement, positive wellbeing, involvement in sport and physical activity, and development of effective coping, and peer pressure resistance skills.

Self-awareness is the first step in learning and building confidence from within. In these 2 sessions, our students will learn important skills such as:

  • Understanding who I am   

  • My strengths, skills and values   

  • Embracing strengths & weaknesses   

  • Celebrating myself   

  • Believing in my potential   

  • With Self-Esteem, peer pressure has no power over me