Business No: 107571630RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The Kinsmen Fdn with donations fromTeleMiracle provides Saskatchewan residents with special needs equip. and assistance for medical travel.
Our Mission
The Kinsmen Foundation is a volunteer-driven organization that has been making miracles since 1971. Through the proceeds from the annual TeleMiracle telethon, the Foundation provides financial assistance for specialized mobility and medical equipment, and medical travel, that improves the quality of life and independence of thousands of Saskatchewan residents each year. Through these efforts, the Kinsmen Foundation fulfills its motto of “Helping People Every Day”.
The Kinsmen Foundation is funded solely through TeleMiracle, the annual 20-hour telethon made possible by Kinsmen, Kinettes, production volunteers and many others who donate time, expertise, and gifts-in-kind to make the telethon possible. Over more than 48 years, TeleMiracle has raised over $165 million and is truly rooted in Saskatchewan.
The volunteer Kinsmen Foundation Board of Directors, supported by a small office staff in Saskatoon, meets regularly to grant funds raised through TeleMiracle. On average, close to 1,000 applications for funding are reviewed each year.
Donations made through TeleMiracle make gifts like these possible:
Walker – $550
Ceiling Track Lift - $2,400
Ramp - $6,720
Cancer treatment in Saskatoon - $8,000
Outdoor lift - $10,990
Power chair - $14,030
Heart transplant in Edmonton - $25,000
Scooter - $3,995
Stair Lift - $3,295
Wheelchair - $6,465
Therapeutic mattress - $9,495
Posey bed - $12,923
Stem cell transplant in Saskatoon - $20,000
Van conversion - $25,674
The Kinsmen Foundation also provides funding to community projects to assist with:
- new and innovative medical equipment in hospitals
- mobility and special needs equipment in group homes
- accessible handi-vans for community-based organizations