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Accessibility Fund For All

Registered Name: Kivi Park Community Foundation

Business No: 753813732RR0001

Accessibility Fund For All

Double Your Impact: A Historic Opportunity to Make Nature Accessible to All

As part of our cherished Kivi Park community, you’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative journey from our humble beginnings to becoming a beacon of outdoor recreation and natural beauty in our region. Inspired by the vision of our founder, who transformed this vast land into a vibrant space for community, adventure, and connection, Kivi Park has become a sanctuary where nature’s tranquillity meets the laughter and joy of those who explore it.

This year, we stand at a pivotal moment in our history. An anonymous donor, moved by our shared mission and the legacy of our park's development, has pledged to match every donation made to our Accessibility Fund in 2024. This magnanimous gesture not only honours our past but propels us into a future where Kivi Park is truly a place for everyone.

Your Gift, Doubled: Imagine the impact of your generosity when doubled:

  • $50 becomes $100, introducing two youths to the wonders of our trails and lakes.
  • $100 transforms into $200, allowing two seniors to immerse themselves in the serenity of nature and community.
  • $250 turns into $500, granting two families the joy of exploration and bonding.
  • $500 escalates to $1,000, providing 20 seniors or disabled youth with the skills and joy of outdoor sports.
  • $1,000 grows to $2,000, opening the door for underserved groups to embrace wilderness adventures.
  • $5,000 expands to $10,000, ensuring 200 seniors engage in activities that enhance their health and happiness.

Why Now? Reflecting on our park’s evolution—from a vision to a vital community asset—we are reminded of the power of collective action. This year, your support has the potential to leave a lasting legacy, one that embodies our founding principles of accessibility, community, and environmental stewardship.

Together, We Can Make History. As you consider your contribution, remember that your support now carries double the impact, double the joy, and double the opportunities for those we serve. Join us in this momentous year as we continue to build on the legacy of Kivi Park, ensuring it remains a cherished resource for generations to come.