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Giving Tuesday 2023 - RIP to our Mixer


Business No: 108058082RR0001

Giving Tuesday 2023 - RIP to our Mixer

The kitchen is the heart of the home... and of camp! We have often said that meals are essential to our programming. They are the basis for conversations, laughter, and relationships. They allow us to open up and meet each other. They provide an opportunity for God to do His work among us.

For Giving Tuesday, our dream is to continue to provide amazing food for our guests... and safe/efficient tools and spaces to help our kitchen team.

Big Red - the beloved camp commercial mixer - is no longer considered suitable for a commerical kitchen. Alas, Big Red is off to the metal recycling plant in the sky. This mixer is a staple in our kitchen, assisting with the creation of baked goods, mashed potatoes, whipped topping and oh, so many delicious foods! We are looking to upgrade to a safer, less rusty, more modern commercial mixer - but know that Big Red will be missed! 

As you plan your giving for the year, and in appreciation for the work our cooks do to care for us, we invite you to join us in upgrading our kitchen.

This Giving Tuesday, think of Big Red and the sad, sad kitchen staff at Kuriakos mourning their loss. Their biceps and wrists ask you to look into your heart, think of chocolate chip cookies and donate. 

We're raising $5000 to support our purchase of a new commercial stand mixer. Any additional funds will be put to good use in our kitchen, for equipment or fixture upgrades.

It's easy to get involved, and every donation helps us host youth, adults and families (including you!) into the future. Thanks for making Kuriakos your partner for Giving Tuesday, and we look forward to sharing a meal next year.

You can donate through CanadaHelps, or save the credit card fees and send an eTransfer to