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Gifts of change - help support breastfeeding/chestfeeding


Business No: 119003812RR0002

Gifts of change - help support breastfeeding/chestfeeding

Research continues to show the incredible health benefits of breastfeeding/chestfeeding for both babies and parents. We already know that babies experience a lower number of illnesses including reduced incidence of ear infections, pneumonia and meningitis when breastfed/chestfed. These benefits continue as these babies are less likely to be obese or overweight as children or teens. In addition, research has proven that mothers who breastfeed reduce their risk of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis later in life.

The benefits are obvious and yet, while close to 9 out of 10 mothers in Canada start out breastfeeding their babies, many end up weaning earlier than they would like. In fact, only 1 in 4 mothers breastfeed exclusively for the 6 months recommended by health care organizations.

With your help, La Leche League Canada can continue to offer breastfeeding support to families across the country. Please take a moment to consider making a donation. Whether you choose to make a single or monthly donation, your support is essential to the families we serve and we thank you.