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Project 338


Business No: 856565767RR0001

Project 338

We believe God has a plan for our nation!  We believe that the Canadian church has a unique role in seeing that plan come to pass through this upcoming election by doing what only we can do!  We can pray without being partisan, political or issue driven.  Our core prayer is to ask God to give us men and women through whom He would work to accomplish His plans for Canada. 

We envision mobilizing the Canadian Church to pray along with us for 43 days to coincide with the Federal Election. We will deliver a daily prayer by email and social media that will provide direction and leadership in this critical hour.

Imagine the impact of 100,000 Canadian Christians from coast to coast to coast choosing to rise above partisan politics to pray for 5 minutes/day that God would use this election to accomplish His plans and purposes for our nation. Can you feel the mountains tremble? We can and we think you can too!!

We need your help to make it happen. Consider a donation of $33.80 (.10/Electoral District) or another amount that is suitable to you. Thank you for your support in this exciting endeavour!