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Leduc Community Living Association


Business No: 107608523RR0001

Leduc Community Living Association


We are an organization which exists to provide support services to individuals who have disabilities. A group of parents formed the Association in 1986, and at that time we were incorporated under the Societies Act. We are a registered charity under Revenue Canada. We are governed by a Board of Directors.

Mandate: To serve persons with mental and /or physical disabilities in the City and County of Leduc and the Town of Devon.

Mission Statement: All persons with disabilities have a right to remain in the community of their choice. Services and resources should be available to allow individuals to achieve their maximum potential for independence and to live with dignity in their community.

 Membership: Residents of the City and County of Leduc and the Town of Devon who are eighteen years or older, Association clients and their families are invited to become general or associate members.

 Current Services Offered:

OPERATION EMPLOYMENT Day Program – employment preparation to:

  • Assist participants to gain employment skills;
  • Explore vocational options;
  • Develop and supervise employment work sites;
  • Secure and maintain employment to their fullest potential;

COMMUNITY COMPANIONS – to recruit and supervise community partners for clients for the purpose of increasing and individual’s social and community access skills. This service also benefits clients by providing opportunities to take a more active role about town, to meet people and ideally to make new friends.

RESPITE – to recruit and supervise respite situations on an hourly or daily basis. This service enables clients and their families/caregivers to take a break from each other.

RESIDENTIAL SUPPORTS – help individuals and their families find suitable supported living arrangements, monitor and administer government funding.

SUPPORTED INDEPENDENT LIVING- Informal service. Includes assistance filling out various forms e.g. lease agreements, advice/guidance with employment related issues, annual reports to individuals’ funding bodies, etc. General support to access generic community facilities/services.

SEMI INDEPENDENT LIVING – Provide supports to individuals who live in their own residence. The individuals residing in this program have confidence in their abilities to live semi-independently. There is no overnight support staff; however there is a 24 hour on call staff. The staff assists the individuals with a variety of skills with independence being “key”.

 OTHER – Advocacy, Information Networking, Informal Family Support, Social Events, Input to community organizations and committees, etc, Research and Planning, Public awareness of disability issues, Computer Lab.


4906-51 AVENUE


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