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Family Law Support for Women Subjected to Intimate Partner Violence During COVID-19


Business No: 887611218RR0001

Family Law Support for Women Subjected to Intimate Partner Violence During COVID-19

The impact of COVID-19 on women and her children living in or attempting to flee an abusive relationship is heightened at this time. The public policy decisions made to close schools, community centres, libraries, arenas and swimming pools; encourage people to work remotely from home; and suspend community programming for mothers and children, while important in the attempt to control the spread of COVID-19, also puts women with abusive partners at greater risk of harm. In fact, some of them play right into the hands of many abusers.

One of the effects of social distancing on women subjected to abuse, is increased isolation and vulnerability to her partner's physical and emotional abuse.

Luke’s Place continues to support women and their children during COVID-19 with intake and ongoing support and safety planning via telephone; free summary advice offered by family law lawyers through our virtual legal clinic; and preparation and filing of urgent or emergency motions where needed. We are working with legal and community service partners to provide access to justice to those who need it most.

We ask that you consider making a donation today to help us support women and their children subjected to abuse during the COVID-19 crisis.