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Feeding Friendships - Dining Hall Rebuild


Business No: 119114254RR0001

Feeding Friendships - Dining Hall Rebuild

Eating is more than just fueling up, and this is especially true at summer Lumsden Beach Camp. Campers sit family style, passing bread, and building community. Meals are prepared to be healthy, delicious, and to please discerning young palates. At any given meal there will be singing, silliness, and friendships being forged. Many camp traditions and events are food-focused, which has led to the dining hall being the center of camp life.

At Lumsden Beach Camp we are proud to welcome children, youth, and families to our site regardless of race, economic status, religion, gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity. Our inclusive programs, the focus on building strong leaders, and LBC's truly beautiful location in the valley are some of the reasons our camp is growing! Which is why we need to replace our current dining facilities.

The current building is over 70 years old and has reached is structural maturity, plus our growing camper numbers mean that the community no longer comfortably fits in the space. The new building, will be nearly double the size and include amenities like air conditioning, modern appliances, and a dishwasher.

Your gift to this project will helps this new building become reality. 

Thank you for your investment in the future of LBC!