Manitoba Envirothon
Registered Name: Manitoba Association of Watersheds Inc.
Business No: 839116464RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The Manitoba Envirothon is an annual hands-on environmental education competition for high school students, designed to encourage team work, problem-solving skills, and public speaking skills while fostering an appreciation for current environmental issues.
Envirothon combines the exhilaration of team competition, the challenge of learning about environmental issues, and the experience of using this knowledge in hands-on activities. This approach to environmental education helps students develop skills necessary to address environmental issues, such as collaboration, critical thinking, and public debate.
Providing meaningful professional development opportunities to students and teachers alike, the program continues to serve as an excellent avenue for students with an interest in natural resources, to make important connections in the professional community, and to learn more about future career prospects in the natural sciences and its many related fields.