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Men's Therapy Centre Membership


Business No: 875579302RR0001

Men's Therapy Centre Membership

How Community Members can get Involved

If you are interested in deepening your connection with the Men's Therapy Centre, you could consider becoming an MTC Member. The annual membership fee is $25-$40 sliding scale. Members will be invited to attend and participate in voting at in our Annual General Meetings and also will be invited to participate in the following events or activities throughout the calendar year: 

Quarterly MTC Updates 

We believe that it is important that you know what your contribution is going towards. Every 3 months you will receive an update on our activities from MTC’s Executive Director and Chair of our Board of Directors. This is a great way to learn about the difference your contribution makes to the men accessing our services and what innovative ideas our agency is developing to support men’s mental health. 

Donor Appreciation Events 

At least once a year, MTC would like to hold an open house event for our donors. This would give you an opportunity to meet our staff and board members, to learn about our passion for this work and to learn more about the difference your contribution makes to the men that we collectively support. This would include a tour of our facility, a meet and greet with various folks who support our agency, and of course food as a thank you for supporting our cause. 

Leadership Connections 

If you would like to learn more about our organization our Executive Director would be more than happy to meet with you for coffee and/or give you a tour of our facility. We appreciate opportunities to hear from you on how we can continue to improve our services, advocate for mental health support, and be innovative in our practices.

Exclusive Workshop Offers 

Members and donors will receive an exclusive invitation to an annual workshop facilitated by our Executive Director Nick Sandor. Each Spring, Nick will cover a different theme that intersects with emotional wellness, healthy expressions of masculinity, navigating trauma, and cultivating meaningful relationships.