Registered Name: ComKids Foundation
Business No: 891036899RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Empowering students to reach their academic and social potential by providing the technology, tools and support they need.

Computers and digital literacy are essential to the success of today’s youth, yet we continue to see students with academic potential who do not have the same access to home technology as their peers.
That’s why the ComKids program was established in 1998 to level the playing field for students by providing technology in the form of laptop computers and support in the form of police mentorship so they have the means to succeed.
The ComKids Program:
1) Provides brand-new laptop computers (and internet if needed) to students
2) Offers comprehensive programming that compliments the provision of the laptop with police mentorship and educator support through monthly Lead and Learn sessions designed to assist students in developing digital literacy skills, and learning to use their computers in a safe and effective way.
The Program runs from Grades 7 – 12. Students enroll in Grade 7, and remain connected throughout their high school years. Following high school graduation students transition to become ComKids alumni.
More than 7,000 students and their families have been assisted to date, with more new students having enrolled in the program in the last four years than in the previous years combined.
Community Partners Are Essential to the Success of ComKids
ComKids is differentiated from other at-risk youth programs by its unique combination of computer provision, support and mentorship through sessions with law enforcement officers and educators.
Major collaborations:
- Regional Police Services
- Toronto District and Toronto Catholic District School Boards
- District School Board of Niagara
- Hamilton-Wentworth District and Catholic School Boards
- HP Canada
You're Making a Difference
“ComKids first provided me with a laptop 3 years ago. Before that, I had very little experience using a computer as I didn’t have much access to one outside of the school. I didn’t know how to install an antivirus software or use a lot of program. My computer bridged the divide between me and my peers that had technology available at home, and gave me a chance to succeed.”
– Senior Student, ComKids
“When ComKids gives you a new laptop, it is just the tip of the iceberg. It is more of a mentorship program. The support from Police Officers and Educators in the Program helps kids feel more connected as part of the community and reduces feelings of isolation.”
– ComKids Alumni
110 Spadina Ave., Suite 300
Suite 200
Toronto, ON, M5V 2K4
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