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For the Future 150: Support Innovative Theological Education


Business No: 130724644RR0001

For the Future 150: Support Innovative Theological Education

Montreal Diocesan Theological College (widely known simply as “Dio”) is a creative learning community, preparing people for Christian ministry in affiliation with one of Canada’s leading universities. Dio is ecumenical in nature with roots in the Anglican and United Church traditions. Through residential, distance, and online programs, we offer theological education that prepares students from all backgrounds for faithful and creative Christian leadership.

This year, Dio celebrates 150 years since its inception in 1873. In recent years, our student body has become increasingly diverse, both denominationally and racially. One of our key aims for the future is to develop more flexibility in our programs and find new methodologies for teaching theology that nurture the varied needs of a diverse student population and an ever-changing church. Donations to this campaign help us to shape creative and innovative leaders for the church of tomorrow.

A gift to Dio is a gift that will strengthen the church of the future. Donate today and help us reach our $150 000 goal.