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Brant Islamic Center/ Islamic School Purchase


Business No: 886674795RR0001

Brant Islamic Center/ Islamic School Purchase

Muslim Association of Brantford has purchased the property at 143 King Edward St, Paris ON to transform it into an Islamic School, a Daycare and a Mosque, in-sha-Allah. This will be the first Islamic school in Brantford-Brant region, which is much needed to meet the needs of our growing Muslim community. We need your help to make our dream a realty, in-sha-Allah. The property is already zoned as a place of worship and a daycare. Zoning changes for school have been initiated with the County and is expected to be approved within 6-8 months, in-sha-Allah.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "Whoever builds a mosque for the sake of Allah, like a sparrow's nest for Allah or even smaller, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise."

He (may Allah be pleased with him) has also said, When a person dies, his deeds end except for three: (i) ongoing charity, (ii) beneficial knowledge, or (iii) a righteous child who prays for him.

Your donation for this project will meet all of the above three categories of SADAQAH JAARIAH:

  1. Your charity will continue as long as the school is open, 
  2. The beneficial knowledge that the hundreds and thousands of children will learn through this institution, and pass on to their families, will benefit you many folds till the day of judgement in-sha-Allah
  3. Lastly, even though the students of this institution may not be your children, their prayers and good deeds will benefit you until the day of judgment.

Remember, our investment in this school is an investment in our children. They are the future of the Muslim Community in Canada. This will give our children the opportunity to become successful Canadian Muslims, and thrive and succeed not only in this world, but in the aakhirah as well, in-sha-Allah.

So, please DONATE generously! May Allah SWT reward you immensely for this sadaqah jaariah!