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Winter Appeal: Give Food and Hope!


Business No: 119062495RR0001

Winter Appeal: Give Food and Hope!

Help Your Neighbours Access Food and Hope this Holiday Season!

Many families in your community are just one challenging moment away from needing the food bank.

  • more than 30,000 people visit North York Harvest each month
  • 3,500 families visited our network for the first time last year
  • 1/3 of people visiting our food bank are children

Your gift today will give food and hope to a family like Richard's. 

Richard never expected to need the food bank, but the hours at his job were reduced, and his wife was facing health issues. Whether it’s losing a job, an illness or injury that causes time away from work, these unexpected events can lead to families needing support.

Make a special holiday donation to help ensure that everyone who is struggling to access food gets the support they need.

Every gift makes a difference and is deeply appreciated.  Thank you! 

Please visit our website for the latest updates.

*This is a true story from a client. The names and images have been changed to protect their privacy.