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Northern Institute of Dance

Registered Name: Northern Institute of Dance

Business No: 727054801RR0001

Northern Institute of Dance


Northern Institute of Dance: Fostering Excellence in Ballet and Cultural Exchange

In the heart of Prince George, British Columbia, lies a beacon of artistic excellence and cultural exchange - the Northern Institute of Dance. This charity ballet school is not just a place of learning; it's a community dedicated to nurturing the next generation of professional dancers and enriching the northern BC region with the beauty of ballet.

Founded by two passionate and highly educated professional dancers, the Northern Institute of Dance is committed to offering top-tier training to aspiring dancers. Our focus goes beyond mere technique; we instill in our students the professionalism and discipline required to thrive in the competitive world of professional ballet.

One of the hallmarks of our program is our emphasis on building professional productions right here in northern BC. From classical masterpieces to contemporary works, our dancers immerse themselves in every aspect of creating stunning ballet performances. But our vision extends far beyond local stages.

Our most advanced dancers can travel to Brazil through a unique cultural exchange program and collaborate with Promodanca, a renowned junior company. This experience is not just about honing their skills; it's about understanding different artistic perspectives, forging international connections, and broadening their cultural horizons.

Moreover, we are proud to support our dancers' international ambitions. They are not just prepared to compete nationally; they audition for and participate in prestigious international ballet competitions. These experiences not only showcase their talent but also elevate the reputation of northern BC on the global ballet stage.

None of this would be possible without the generous support of our donors. As a charity organization, we rely on donations to fund ballet productions, cover rental costs for theatres and costumes, and facilitate travel for our dancers. Every contribution helps us continue our mission and expand our impact.

But our commitment to giving back doesn't stop there. Through our bursary programs, we provide opportunities for less fortunate dancers in Brazil to come train and study with us. This includes covering the costs of travel and academic fees, ensuring that talented individuals have access to world-class training regardless of their financial circumstances.

At the Northern Institute of Dance, we believe in more than just creating exceptional dancers; we're cultivating global citizens who embody the positive culture and professionalism of ballet. Join us in celebrating the artistry, dedication, and cultural enrichment that ballet brings to the northern BC community and beyond.


1823 1ST AVE


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