Registered Name: On Mission Church Canada
Business No: 793540287RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
OnMission's Water, Educate, and Lunch for Life (WELL) program provides a persistent presence in African communities.
There are many "water charities" working to bring clean water to poor rural communities who desperately need it. So how is OnMission different? The biggest difference is our commitment. Sadly there are hundreds of abandoned and dilapidated wells in East Africa due to minimal or non-existent follow-up and maintenance. When the pump fails, the well is often dismantled and the metals and other material are often stolen and sold. This leaves people no choice but to return to polluted ponds, streams and lakes to again draw their water.
OnMission's Water, Educate, and Lunch for Life (WELL) program provides a persistent presence in the community by remaining involved in the project, maintaining the well and providing support in the long term. This is the OnMission commitment.