One Mission Society (OMS) - CANADA
Business No: 119067130RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Mission
By God’s grace, One Mission Society unites, inspires, and equips Christians to make disciples of Jesus Christ, multiplying dynamic communities of believers around the world.
Our ministry framework is to
1. Multiply disciplemakers.
2. Multiply churches.
3. Multiply leaders.
4. Multiply missionary movements.
OMS Canada seeks to discover where God is at work in our world and to join ourselves to what He is doing. That work begins by finding those whom the LORD has called to serve in His harvest. We want to find, recruit and train those women and men so that they will be prepared to be the best ambassadors for Christ that they can be. We want to provide missionary orientation and language training for every full-time OMS missionary sent from Canada.
We also want to support Christian schools, seminaries and training centres for national Christians. These institutions need our support to supply our partner churches with skilled leadership.
OMS Canada is also dedicated to expanding the ministry capacity of partners who are already doing their part to reach their countries. We support projects that are sustainable, viable and that do not develop dependence.
Your gifts to One Mission Society will serve to help us develop strong Canadian missionaries working with strong national partners to build strong indigenous churches around the world.
About One Mission Society (OMS) - CANADA
OMS has more than 120 years of history. Charles and Lettie Cowman sailed to Japan in 1901 with a desire to develop indigenous Japanese leadership for the fledgling churches in that country. One Mission Society continues to honour the time-tested value of indigenous churches raising indigenous leadership to reach their nations for Christ.
The next 120 years will demand that Christians keep their eyes focused on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. We will continue to look for men and women who will go to the frontiers of missions. Many people think missions are a "thing of the past"; but in this ever-changing and highly globalized world, cross-cultural missionaries are more important than ever. As Canadians go into the world, they train believers who will also go into the world. Those they reach may impact our children and grandchildren back here in Canada. An investment in missions is an investment in the Kingdom of God well beyond the years of our earthly lives.