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Registered Name: Global PartnerLink Society

Business No: 813175957RR0001

Partnering with local people, OneBook is transforming communities through language development, Bible translation, mother-tongue literacy.



Our Mission

To resource national partners, empowering them to effect spiritual and social transformation through Bible translation, literacy and Scripture engagement programs in their own languages.

About OneBook

Language is key to identity, self-expression, and community. Every child of God deserves to experience His Word in their own language. Language barriers lock the men, women, and children of the world’s minority people groups into a life of poverty, isolation, and damaged dignity. Working in partnership with local organizations, OneBook is transforming communities through language development, Bible translation, mother-tongue literacy initiatives, and life-changing community development programs.

OneBook has a fundamental belief that indigenous people in their country, among their own people, are the best suited to implement their own projects. OneBook’s role is to support and encourage them. At the completion of each project, we strives to leave communities with flourishing mother-tongue literacy, healthy churches, and local men and women empowered and equipped to continue the mission. 


700-1816 Crowchild Trail NW

Calgary, AB, T2M 3Y7

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