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OPWSA's Supporting PWS Everyday Together Fundraising Campaign


Business No: 119068203RR0001

OPWSA's Supporting PWS Everyday Together Fundraising Campaign

Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a rare, complex genetic disorder affecting appetite, growth, metabolism, cognitive function and behaviour. While PWS can affect a number of different bodily functions, the hallmark characteristic is a constant feeling of hunger. Essentially, the brain doesn’t tell the stomach that it’s full.

OPWSA serves families and caregivers throughout their PWS journey, including diagnosis, early intervention, school, transitions to adulthood, residential options, and aging. Our programs and services are developed with the needs of the community at the forefront.

To continue to offer valuable services, programs and resources to individuals with PWS, their families and the professionals who support them, we need your help!

Throughout May, PWS Awareness Month, OPWSA is running the Supporting PWS Everyday Together campaign to raise funds for two key OPWSA initiatives: Crisis Support and PWS Week at Shadow Lake. YOU can make a long-lasting impact on our community by donating now.

Crisis Support

OPWSA provides crisis support to parents, caregivers, educators, and other professionals that support individuals with PWS. Our Executive Director responds to calls and emails, about a range of challenges including issues related to behaviour, physical health, mental health, school, respite, housing, nutrition, and connects families to the appropriate resources and supports.

PWS Week at Shadow Lake

Each year, OPWSA offers a week of camp for 30-35 adults with PWS at Shadow Lake Centre for a week of fun in an environment that is safe for them. The camp provides a variety of activities to encourage campers to socialize, be active, and enjoy nature. OPWSA handles the administrative work of setting up the camp from registration, the completion of forms, and collecting payment. Our Executive Director conducts a PWS training for camp staff, and is on-site at camp throughout the entire week to connect with the campers, provide an extra set of hands, and also provide PWS expertise as needed.

Where will my donation go?

Funds raised during our Supporting PWS Everyday Together campaign will be directed to covering the costs of staffing to respond to the needs of our community, and towards the administrative costs of offering PWS Week at Shadow Lake.

Parent Testimonial

"During our most difficult times, the OPWSA has been our olive branch of support. Without this amazing organization, its resources, the tools it has given us, the information, and the respite with camp for our PWs, our lives would not be the same."  - Mother, Collingwood

To learn more about PWS and OPWSA, you can follow along with our PWS Awareness campaign throughout the month of May on our Facebook and Instagram. Each day we share a "Did You Know" fact about PWS to make it easy for those in our community help spread PWS Awareness to their own networks, and to educate others on the challenges that individuals with PWS face. We also run the PWS Everyday Challenge which encourages individuals with PWS and their supporters to get involved in a variety of daily activities such as walking 2km, completing puzzles, other physical and mindfulness activities, as well as arts and crafts. Join us in helping to spread PWS Awareness.