Opportunity For Advancement
Business No: 119069144RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
OFA has been developing and offering innovative programs for socially and economically disadvantaged self-identified women for over 45 years. We have been part of proudly supporting thousands of participants gain confidence, learn new skill and move towards economic independence. Opportunity For Advancement (OFA) works with self-identified women in disadvantaged life situations. While poverty is an issue for almost all the women, other factors create additional barriers to well-being and equal participation in society. These include being a sole-support parent, being an immigrant or woman of colour, being disabled or chronically ill, having experienced violence, being a trauma survivor, being transgender.
Opportunity For Advancement has been a leader in the development of feminist group work service models that address personal issues within a broader social context. Our approach recognizes both the strengths of individual and the support that comes from the group process.
Our programs range from talk-based, group counselling programs, pre-employment programs and violence prevention and trauma recovery programs including a boxing program for self-identified women survivors of violence.
In partnership with Brock University, we offer the Shape Your Life program. SYL provides free, recreational boxing for women (self-identified) who have experienced trauma and gender-based trauma. SYL is place to learn how to box in a safe, fun, and supportive environment. For more information about this program please visit our SYL site here at: https://shapeyourlifeboxing.com
* If you wish to donate specifically to Shape Your Life, please indicate this in the donation box.
We gratefully thank you for your donation.