Options For Sexual Health
Business No: 107848269RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
About Options For Sexual Health
Based in BC with some service in the Yukon, Options for Sexual Health is Canada's largest non-profit provider of sexual health services, which has been operating since 1963. Many people will know us formerly as Planned Parenthood Association of BC.
We have over 60 clinics throughout British Columbia where we offer a supportive, confidential, nonjudgmental space to talk about anything to do with sex, sexuality, and relationships. Options clinics also offer safer sex supplies, pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing, emergency contraception, and birth control at reduced rates. Options is a pro-choice organization that works from an intersectional feminist lens offering services to all genders.
Our Education Programs provide age-appropriate sexuality education programs for children, youth, adults, and professionals on a variety of topics. Our programs are learner-centred, interactive, and individually tailored. We are exceedingly proud to have the only Sexual Health Educator Certification (SHEC) program in the country.
Our toll-free SEX-SENSE line (1-800-739-7367) is a free, nonjudgmental, confidential and anonymous phone and email service operating Monday through Friday, 9-9 PST. SEX SENSE provides information and referrals about sex, contraception, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy options and anything else to do with sexuality.
Our Mission
To champion and celebrate the sexual health of all people in BC by supporting, providing, and promoting inclusive and accessible health care and education.
or more succinctly:
To champion and celebrate sexual health.
Our Vision
To be trusted and innovative leaders in a world that honours sexuality and its diversity.