Or Haneshamah - Ottawa's Reconstructionist Community
Registered Name: Or Haneshamah - Ottawa's Reconstructionist Community
Business No: 888475464RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Mission
At Or Haneshamah, we encourage members to share responsibilities and activities, based on egalitarian, democratic and participatory values. In our worship, Or Haneshamah, as a member of the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, believes that Judaism is the product of the collective experience of the Jewish people. We creatively explore our religious, spiritual, and cultural practices in order to revitalize and revalue our Judaism. Liberal in outlook, yet respecting tradition, Reconstructionism is the newest of the four branches of organized Canadian Judaism.
About Or Haneshamah - Ottawa's Reconstructionist Community
Formed in 1987, under the name of the Ottawa Reconstructionist Havurah, Or Haneshamah welcomes people with all levels of Jewish knowledge and beliefs, mixed marriages, multi-faith families and members of the gay and lesbian communities.