Business No: 131037004RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Since 1953 Orchestra Toronto has been making music for the love of it! Community based, we believe in accessible classical music for all!
Our Mission
Orchestra Toronto, one of Canada’s oldest, largest and finest volunteer symphony orchestras, provides dedicated, motivated musicians, the opportunity to develop and perform accessible, public concerts from the full symphonic repertoire so successfully, that Orchestra Toronto becomes a favoured music destination in Toronto for all ages.
Orchestra Toronto was established in 1954, under predecessor organization names. It grew and flourished over time and, in 1998, on the amalgamation of the City of Toronto, changed its name to Orchestra Toronto to reflect its city-wide appeal.
Orchestra Toronto is a full-sized, community-based symphony of up to eighty musicians who are dedicated to rehearsing and performing a complete range of classical repertoire. Our musicians come from a variety of backgrounds; some are professional players, some teach music and others have music as an important and meaningful hobby. All share the "Love of Music".
Orchestra Toronto:
• Believes that the joy and love of live symphonic music enriches our lives;
• Believes that music listening and music making should be widely accessible to as many as possible;
• Is an arts organization where all participants strive to create and maintain a sense of belonging and an environment of trust, respect and mutual gratification;