Ottawa Children's Choir
Business No: 892423922RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The Ottawa Children's Choir is devoted to artistic excellence, community connection and, above all, the joy of singing.
Our Mission
The Ottawa Children's Choir is devoted to artistic excellence, community connection and, above all, the joy of singing.
The OCC fulfills this mission by:
* providing professional choral training for children who have demonstrated musical aptitude;
* advancing children's musical education in, and knowledge and appreciation of music;
* participating in educational outreach initiatives;
* performing regularly within the National Capital Region, as well as nationally and internationally
* teaching a wide variety of repertoire
* commissioning and performing new Canadian compositions
About Us:
We are five ensembles:
* Prima Choir, a training choir, 6-7 years old
* Viva Choir, at a beginner level, 8-10 years old;
* Concert Choir, an intermediate group, 10-15 years old;
* Chamber Choir, singing an advanced repertoire, 11-15 years old;
* Boys' Choir, for boys whose voice may or may not have changed, 10-15 years old.
Children have the opportunity to experience their own progress and growth as they master music with greater vocal facility and deeper musical understanding. Choristers perform regularly within the National Capital Region, studying and singing the finest repertoire available, with an emphasis on Canadian compositions.
Contributing to our general fund supports financial aid, scholarships, music purchases, vocal workshops and so much more!