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Creative Trust

Registered Name: Outside the March Theatre Company Inc.

Business No: 838505774RR0001

Creative Trust

Interested in supporting new immersive work? Our Creative Trust is a community of donors dedicated to championing the voices of talented Canadian artists. This program offers members the opportunity to support a project at every stage of its development, and will focus exclusively on new work.

Join our Creative Trustees by making a contribution towards supporting the development of unique new immersive works developed by Canadian artists.

Outside the March is one of Canada’s leading immersive theatre companies. Since 2009 we’ve invited audiences to play in a kindergarten classroom, weather the apocalypse in an abandoned adult movie theatre, explore love stories in an old funeral home and many, many others.

The Creative Trust is for donors who want a direct connection to the art.

Outside the March has moved to a new creation model, with a priority on new work. The Creative Trust is stewarding this undertaking by ensuring that OtM maintains the world-class standard set by our previous productions.

Our Creative Trustees form a vital artistic sounding board and serve as the first audience all of OtM's new work. As a donor you can help seed our newest projects from the start and watch them evolve into the epic immersive experiences that have become OtM’s trademark.                             

Donation Level: $1,000/year OR $2,500/year