A Big Vision for Vietnam
Business No: 119074821RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Before Hanoi Bible College (HBC) opened in 2013, Northern Vietnam did not have an evangelical theological college to train the next generation of Christian leaders—especially after the ravages of numerous wars. HBC started with 25 students. Now, they are looking toward their 10-year anniversary and there are 85 students who are gaining deep knowledge, transformed character, and practical application to serve as local leaders.
By 2025, HBC hopes to graduate roughly 170 students from the Bachelor of Theology program. This is an urgent need: the Evangelical Church of North Vietnam has over 170,000 believers, but only 500 ordained pastors.
So many students! So little space.
HBC’s growth comes with a capacity challenge: simply put, they need more space. They need more space for training and housing their students, many of whom come from villages outside Hanoi seeking the training they need to serve their local churches more effectively.
God is providing: a Vietnamese Christian is helping HBC buy 3 mixed-use (residential/commercial), adjoining apartment buildings to use as their new campus. They will modify the buildings for student accommodation, offices, classrooms, a dining room, a kitchen, and an auditorium and additional funds are needed to do all of these things.
reSource partners with schools like HBC to train Christian leaders in the majority world by growing seminaries, equipping faculty, sponsoring students, and building online education!
With you, we look forward to what God will do!