Comfort and Care during COVID-19
Business No: 107828360RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
SOURCES will continue to do our best to deliver our essential social services, ensuring that the most vulnerable members of community are taken care of while maintaining the health, safety and wellness of our dedicated staff and volunteer team.
To provide help and hope to the increasing number of people who need it during the COVID-19 pandemic, our intent is to apply funds raised strategically to areas of critical need.
Your donations will allow us to meet the growing demand for services including:
Sources Food Banks (White Rock/South Surrey and Langley) – address increased community need for food and essential supplies (e.g. diapers and pet food) as well as the increased complexity and cost of food packaging and distribution.
Sources Housing and Advocacy Services (including Rent Bank) – prevent homelessness for increasingly vulnerable community members including those who are newly at risk due to the COVID-19 crisis; and support essential service triage, navigation, and case management at a time when barriers to service are greater than ever.
Sources Volunteer Services
- Shop By Phone – provide grocery shopping services to isolated community members who are not able to leave their homes to access food and household essentials.
- Volunteer Wheels – provide transportation to urgent medical appointments for seniors with mobility challenges.
Sources Counselling Services
- DiscoverY – Free short-term counselling for youth and young adults aged 15-25. No referral required.
- Trauma Counselling – Provides individual and group counselling support to people impacted by trauma.
- Other Counselling – Offers individual, couple, family and group counselling for a wide variety of topics.
SOURCES has been promoting social wellness for our community since 1978. Your generous gift will support individuals to access multiple services during the pandemic, from home as much as possible, so that they can better protect themselves and their loved ones from infection while also keeping our essential services running and our staff and volunteers safe.
Thank you for providing comfort and care to our community.