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PFP Pet Advocacy Center

Registered Name: Parachutes for Pets

Business No: 778351338RR0001

PFP Pet Advocacy Center

Parachutes For Pets is a Calgary-based charity that is dedicated to the welfare of animals whose owners are part of our vulnerable populations. The organization has been operating for several years now, and it has established a reputation for providing crucial support to pet owners and their animals in times of need when no other organization or service can. Recently, Parachutes For Pets announced plans for Alberta's first Pet Advocacy Center, which is an innovative initiative that seeks to ensure that pets are cared for when their guardians need it the most.

The Pet Advocacy Center is an exciting development, and it represents a significant step forward in the organization's mission to support pet owners and their animals. The center will provide a range of services that are designed to help pet owners who are experiencing financial difficulties, are homeless, or are facing other challenges. The center will work to ensure that the genuine bond between owner and pet remains unconditional regardless of the situation.

One of the primary services that the Pet Advocacy Center will offer is a pet food bank. This service provides pet owners with access to free pet food, which will help them to ensure that their pets receive the nutrition they need to stay healthy.  The Center will greatly increase the capacity and ability to serve the needs of Calgarians.  This service is essential because many pet owners struggle to provide food for their pets, especially during times of crisis or financial difficulty. 

In addition to the pet food bank, the Pet Advocacy Center will also act as a safety net for the pets of vulnerable populations. The center will provide a temporary warming or cooling location for pets whose owners are experiencing homelessness or are struggling with care for their pets due to other reasons. 

The Center will boast a theatre that will host education and courses on basic pet care for pet owners. This service is essential because many pet owners are unaware of the basic care requirements of their pets. By providing education on basic pet care, the center will help pet owners to understand the needs of their pets and provide them with the care they need to stay healthy. Experts and guest presenters will be able to use the theatre to help us spread pet education topics to all Calgarians. 

Another important service that the Pet Advocacy Center will offer is access to free or low-cost pet medical services. Partnering with a full-service vet Parachutes for Pets will provide pet owners with access to basic medical care for their pets, including vaccinations, spay/neuter services, and other medical treatments. This service is essential because many pet owners are unable to afford basic medical care for their pets, which can lead to health problems and even death. By providing low-cost or free medical services, the center will ensure that pets receive the care they need to stay healthy and happy.

The Pet Advocacy Center will help a variety of different populations in our community, including the homeless, seniors, veterans, and children in foster care. These groups are often the most vulnerable in society, and they often have limited access to resources and support. 

In addition to providing pet-related services to owners, the Center will also provide temporary and semi-permanent workspace to other like-minded groups and organizations that provide basic services to clients. This service is essential because it will help to create a network of support for vulnerable populations in the community. By working together, these organizations can provide more comprehensive support to individuals and families who are struggling.

Parachutes For Pets is committed to being an unwavering advocate for their clients and their pets and will work with other partners in the sector to ensure that community issues are raised.  The center will also be able to participate in gathering data and numbers on Calgary’s homeless population and their pets.  In the event of a natural disaster or crisis, the Pet Advocacy Center will be there to act as a safety net and a beacon of hope for those who are impacted the most.

The need for Parachutes For Pets in our city and area has never been greater and is not slowing down, but The Pet Advocacy Center is an exciting made-in-Calgary solution that will help address this problem in a way that provides humanity and dignity to clients and their pets.