Registered Name: Winnipeg Sonora Voices
Business No: 891401564RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Be a part of Winnipeg's award-winning choral program for young children through to young adults!
WINNIPEG SONORA VOICES (WSV)) is an award-winning choral program. Its goal is to have children and young adults participate in an exciting choral program which values community, self-empowerment, personal growth, hard-work, and a desire and drive to participate in achieving something truly outstanding. WSV is in a unique position to empower singers from Kindergarten to Grade 12 and up to age 25 in the greater Winnipeg area to come together and create exceptional musical experiences that broaden their own scope of what is possible. Through these performances, WSV also seeks to enrich the cultural life of musically-minded students, and promotes the cultural exchange of music when they perform locally, nationally and internationally.