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Cancer Care Campaign


Business No: 870047610RR0001

Cancer Care Campaign

Our cancer treatment areas are due for an update and overall improvements: whether it's preparing the much needed medications in the Pharmacy, the Chemo treatment area, or the waiting room areas that come with much apprehension and nervousness. These spaces are vital in the treatment and care of each and every cancer patient, and through this campaign our goal is to ensure they are comfortable, easily accessible and state-of-the art.

We need your help so that every single cancer patient has the most up-yo-date equipment available to them at the Pembroke Regional Hospital, so that cancer patients and their families have one less worry.

The more Chemotherapy treatments that can be done locally means that cancer patients and their families  do not have to spend hours on the road to and from other cancer treatment facilities to get their much needed treatments.

Keeping cancer CARE close to home is a top priority for us  before, during and after the Cancer Care Campaign!