Peninsula Productions
Registered Name: Peninsula Productions Society
Business No: 849372883RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Peninsula Productions is a not for profit “stand alone” society with CRA charitable status whose purpose is to promote performing arts and culture in the Semiahmoo Peninsula and beyond. Our organization is open and accessible to anyone who wishes to become involved and we provide performing arts programming that serves the communities ofWhite Rock, Surrey, Richmond, Langley, Cloverdale & North Delta and beyond.
Over the last several years we have created and incorporated into our theatre program a group of young and emerging actors constituting our NextGen Theatre Group. NextGen is specifically targeted at young actors and other creatives who are at the early stages of their careers. Now we are raising funds to create a black-box theatre for this troupe and others to use and call home.
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