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Penticton First Baptist Church


Business No: 107384752RR0001

Penticton First Baptist Church


We are delighted you have found your way to our web site. Our hope and prayer is that you'll discover we're a church seeking to honour Jesus Christ as Lord in our fellowship, friendship, worship and witness.

Our Sunday service draws people of all ages and backgrounds from across the town. Together we worship in song, prayer, welcome, study, generosity, and friendship. We proclaim the orthodox Christian faith as expressed in the Bible and the ancient creeds of the Christian church. Our worship includes forms and styles suited to different ages and backgrounds. We believe the Bible, humbly, wisely, and prayerfully interpreted, points to Jesus Christ. Through preaching and study, Christ equips us to serve him and our wider world with understanding, wisdom, and grace. We believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ addresses our contemporary world with relevance and, above all, hope.

We have many exciting ministries. Our Ark Youth Centre, begun several years ago, connects with middle-school and high-school students on Friday evenings during term-time. Superbly equipped with a fully-serviced coffee bar, up-to-date computer games, internet access, pool tables, table-tennis, foosball, and air-hockey tables, the Ark also hosts our After-School Club on Tuesdays during term-time for elementary-aged children.

Our Sunday School, for children up to and including middle-school, has received acclaim from a provincial education specialist for its innovative creativity. With well-equipped teaching rooms and staff, our passion is to ensure children and youth understand who Jesus Christ is, have a clear grasp of the Bible, and can apply its teaching to daily life. All staff and volunteers are required to have police record checks and regular training.

Opportunities for adults include our Women’s Ministry; our ministry for the early-retired, conducted in conjunction with other local churches; a men’s prayer breakfast; and our mid-week Bible studies. Our Bible study groups each meet at different times during the week. They focus on teaching, discussion, mutual care, and informal prayer.

Our leadership team is dedicated to caring for people. We have many who help others in prayerful, practical ways. We believe that being part of a local church enables us to exercise our gifts and skills in many ways and to learn what it means to support, care, and encourage one another.

We enjoy close relations with other local churches in the Penticton Ministerial. I have the privilege of meeting and praying with other pastors in the town. The relationships which have developed are refreshing, respectful, and rewarding.

Perhaps you are considering questions of faith or life. Or perhaps you want to find out more about how Jesus Christ can change lives. We promise to do our utmost to answer questions helpfully and graciously, never pressuring people.




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