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Business No: 871735346RR0001


THE HUB – Facts

Who & Why:

Statistics indicate a huge increase in needs and services for both Youth & Seniors since the Covid 19 pandemic in the Durham Region.

  • Youth: 74% increase of Cannabis use, youth crime, mental illness & suicide are all up, plus seven out of every ten youths experience online hate, violence & bullying.
  • Seniors: One third of seniors living in our community are experiencing social isolation, loneliness and poorer mental health since Covid.  


The Hub (7,000 sq. ft.) of space previously rented to an insurance company on PPC property that requires total renovation that will be multi-functional. Contractor quotes indicate a cost of roughly $1Million to bring this space up to code and operational.

It will create a safe place for the community to gather and belong. It will provide holistic support for both youth and seniors with connections, engagement, empowerment and integrated programing.

The Hub is primarily for youths & seniors, but will also offer family programs such as Mommy & Me, Grief Share and Autism support.


Watch the walkthrough video with Pastor Marie & Pastor Dennis showing the "before" of the space recorded in April '24 and the potential of what it can be within the next year. Click Here or view below. 


We will fund-raise to provide for this multifunctional space in a variety of ways:

We utilized a Silent Auction at the 60thanniversary banquet in May and raised nearly $10,000.

As of June 1st, we had raised $255,000.00 which doesn't include pledges from our congregation. We have the goal to raise the first $500,000 before demo begins.

In July the youth & young adult groups held a Bake Sale & Car Wash and raised over $2,300 from their efforts.

We will also make requests to large donors and marketplace leaders, applying for grants from governments and foundations.

The congregation at Pickering Pentecostal Church will support this project with funds and practical skills.

We held our first Christmas Market at the Hub on Nov. 30th, with over 630 people attending, 47 volunteers and 31 vendors. It was a great success with many people coming from the community including Mayor Kevin Ashe. We raised over $4000 towards the Hub project.

Our next big event will be the Walkathon for the Hub on Saturday June 7th 2025 and a potential golf tournament in late summer or early fall. All these activities will engage both our congregation and the community at large. 

We will be engaging youth involvement and encouraging seniors to support with donations but also involving them in various projects, campaigns and sponsorships. We believe God will provide!


Renovation will begin as soon as we receive the final permits with demolishing & removal of waste. With sufficient funds we will obtain quotes from contractors and specialists to get the work started.

Constructing rooms/spaces utilizing movable walls, a cafe area, functional kitchen & washrooms compliant to government standards - framing drywalling and painting. We will be installing new energy efficient electrical, lighting, sound/tech and HVAC system. Plus resurfacing both the work and community floors to ensure safety.

Using movable walls, the space can be refigured as needed. Furniture and furnishings will be in place in late 2025, programs & staffing developed and a grand opening date will be set.

Would you consider participating?

  • With sponsorship opportunities for the fund raising events
  • Prizes for special events such as the Walkathon/Golf Tournament
  • A monetary donation, as of year end we had raised over $300,000 but we have a long way to go.
  • Is there any reason why you wouldn’t want to help?

Your generosity is greatly appreciated and will be recognized on our website, social media and to our community as you permit. Please visit us online at where you can see the difference your commitment to the future can make.  

We look forward to partnering with you as we positively impact the community together. 

Pickering Pentecostal Church is a Registered Canadian Charity