Business No: 119105336RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Project Genesis is a community organization committed to the values of social justice, equality, non-discrimination and empowerment.

Our Mission
Project Genesis is a community organization committed to the values of social justice, equality, non-discrimination and empowerment. With our members, we work towards social change with the goal of improving the quality of life of the disadvantaged.
Our goals are:
• To improve the accessibility of social, government and community services to the disadvantaged (the poor, senior citizens, those with little formal education, new immigrants, etc.)
• To provide community organizing services on issues of local concern.
• To promote citizen participation in Project Genesis and other agencies and organizations which provide services to the community.
Project Genesis operates the Storefront, a center offering services to individuals in the multi-ethnic Côte-des-Neiges neighbourhood where more than 40% of the population lives below the poverty line. Some 50 volunteers and law students are trained there annually in social rights. Thus trained, these students and volunteers, joined by professional counsellors, aid the thousands of people per year who seek Project Genesis’ help on issues ranging from housing and pensions to immigration and Medicare.
Through its community organizing program, Project Genesis also offers Montrealers the opportunity to engage in efforts to improve neighbourhood quality of life. Local residents join together to address issues such as the lack of social housing, reduced access to public health care, and atrocious conditions in rental housing. Committees composed of Project Genesis members plan and carry out community organizing efforts with the help of professional organizers.