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Radiant Church

Registered Name: Eastside Calvary Fellowship

Business No: 850584681RR0001

It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from, you are welcome at Calvary Chapel. We simply teach The Bible chapter-by-chapter.

Radiant Church


You can expect a warm greeting, free coffee/tea, comfortable seating and an awesome atmosphere. Worship time is simple and authentic, and afterwards we take around 15 minutes to hang out with each other and get to know new friends. Teaching time is chapter-by-chapter and verse-by-verse. That just means that if we’re in Luke 12 one week we’re in Luke 13 the next, it’s simple and really helps us get everything we can from God’s Word to us. We have a great atmosphere and it’s so easy to go to church in this place.

Care to learn more about us? Check out our code:

  1. Relationship first, presentation second
  2. No one is perfect, therefore everyone is safe to be there regardless of their level of faith or doubt.
  3. Communion table is central, intimate, open, participatory, and available each and every service.
  4. Sermon is teaching chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse.
  5. We get outside when the weather is good.
  6. Food, lots of food!
  7. Simple worship without any pretense or hype.
  8. Leaders who lead through vision and hold the community to higher purposes.
  9. Orderly service, but everyone should feel welcome to share a thought or ask a question.
  10. No ‘greeters,’ everyone is encouraged to be friendly.
  11. No offering taken up, there’s a box at the back if you want to give.
  12. No service teams, everyone lends a hand to get things done.

If you’d like more information, please give us a call/text at 204.894.4591!Grace and Peace,Pastor Earl Buchan


1274 Henderson Highway

Winnipeg, MB, R2G 1M2

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